Friday, August 29, 2008

Here's looking at you, kids!

SturmDM has created a wonderful treasury featuring the EFA Store as well as a bunch of EFA Members. The treasury also features the AWBAR Store.

Filled with innocent faces and loving eyes, this is a treasury truly worthy of being the very fist to be posted in the new blog! :)

"Here's looking at you, kids!"

Thank you SturmDM for this lovely treasury! :)

your treasury hunter,
- Susmitha :)


  1. What a wonderful treasury. Hats off the the curator, StormDM. Doris, you've done a fabulous job!

  2. Thank you very much. I am honored, especially since I'm not what one might call a "seasoned" Treasury builder. I just recently learned how to do it. I enjoyed making this Treasury so much because I had absolutely wonderful subject matters ;-)

    Thanks to you all for helping the critters.

  3. This is a great Treasury by Doris - so many little faces, so many appeals for help.


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