Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Team EFA Birthday Bash Party Hat Catnip Mouse by VivaLeChat

Happy Birthday, Team EFA!

In honor of Team EFA (Etsy for Animals)'s first birthday, team members are listing birthday party themed items (search "team efa" and "birthday" for more items)! This li'l guy is made to look like a party hat, complete with "Fun Fur" yarn "whiskers", bright colors, and a tail designed to look like a neck strap. Unlike my other mice, this one also has a flat-butt so it can stand up on end--just like a party hat!

And wow is my li'l girl ZZ jealous! Looks like I'll have to make her a party hat too!

I lost my Viva to heart failure on June 23, 2008, but want to help other people facing similar financial difficulties. A third of the proceeds from my mice will be going to, an organization that raises funds for low-income families with prohibitively high vet expenses.

1 comment:

  1. This is the cutest photo! Love the toy too (and so do my cats...)


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