Saturday, February 14, 2009

The VickiDiane "EFA Artists of Etsy Exposed" Treasury

Thank you VickiDiane. And thank Peylu for bringing EFA to Vicki's attention. We were the "hottest" treasury on Friday, February 13th.


  1. I love this treasury - I saved a screenshot! So nice to "see" everyone. Many thanks to VickiDiane and Pey!

  2. thank you to Pey for inviting me to participate - it was great to see everyone! and their special friends!
    and thanks to VickiDiane for including efa!

  3. What a cool treasury - sorry I missed it before, but I'm glad to catch it here. I always enjoy seeing the faces (and fur babies) behind the names of Etsy shop owners and fellow team members. How fun - thanks for posting this here :)

    - Jane


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