Saturday, September 12, 2009

C is for CAT - original mixed media collage by WindandHoney

This original mixed media collage was created on 6"x 6" artist canvas. It is a creative collaboration between paper, found objects, ink, vintage lace, a tassel strangely resembling a tail, and vintage book pages. They have all joined forces to celebrate the CAT. She offers no other explanation simply that she is a cat.That should be enough.She is the perfect cat - a few scrapes, a frayed edge, and maybe a nick here and there.

A donation will be made to either Shambala Animal Preserve or to the Pets and People Humane Society in Oklahoma. .


  1. Love the placement of the CAT, it's wonderful!

  2. very nice - love the tiny pawprints and the cat looking up at them!

  3. Very nicely done, so much attention to detail, I love it!!


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