Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good and Evil - Words At Play - Original Mixed Media - 2x3 by Folkartvision's Shop

There's always 2 sides to everything, in this case, I think that we, EFA, are the "good" combating the not so good - "evil". This original collage is short and no nonesense, Side one says - Good and Side two says - Evil. It is one of a kind, honest and succinct. Ever heard of " It's the thought that counts", well, think no more, now you can turn your thought into a lasting gift by sending your loved one or in this case friend or foe, one this diminutive yet powerful message, or better still, hang it up by your desk to alert people of your mood and intention!
The artist has been helping the neighbourhood dog the past six months he is still alive and well and has a new call name - Zenny Lu. He now lives with the artist most of the time.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant... a modern yinyang robert indiana... I love it !

    Its helpful to simplify a huge complex dynamic into two four letter words- makes it feel less overwhelming :)


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