Saturday, January 16, 2010

Leather Stripes in Pebble Coins by Diggerbren's Shop

This necklace has a figaro-style gold plated chain and warm toned stones. The three calcite stones are mostly translucent white, cream and pearl colors, with beautiful brown stripes. At almost 1 inch and a half wide, you only need a few to make a statement. They're smooth, but they look like they have texture and depth. The center stone is clear enough to see some of the formations inside. The artist donates monthly to the HSUS, Defenders of Wildlife, and Alley Cat Allies. She also gives to Best Friends Animal Society a few times a year. Her two newest dogs are from the Arizona Animal Welfare League, and her cats are rescues. She recently donated $24US to PAWS as the December charity of the month!


  1. Nothing like the natural beauty of stone... and a nicely put together necklace !

  2. beautiful, great causes that you help, and thanks for being a part of EFA ! :)


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