Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dotty the Luvbug by LolaLynn

Dotty was a very special girl. She and her brother, Spotty, another magnificent white cat, where originally my brother's companions. He rescued them and doted on them for the remaining two years of his life and they brought him tons of love and joy. They came to live with us shortly afterwards and were our link to Henry while we worked out our grief.

Dotty greeted me every morning with a "mew", then jumped up next to me while I had my morning coffee and logged onto Etsy. Her fur was silky soft and stroking it was comforting and calming. Looking into her blue eyes, I knew she was soulful and deep. I miss her terribly.

"Dotty the Luvbug" is a hand embellished print of my original ACEO. Each ACEO starts out as a copy of the original but then I over paint each card individually and add personal touches to make them unique.

50% of the purchase price of the work at LolaLynn goes to EFA's charity of the month. I also participate in special fund raisers as needed.


  1. I'm so sorry for your losses, Dotty sounds like a sweet kitty, sweet painting of her, great that 50% helps animals :)

  2. Bet she's still there watching over you, you just can't see her :>)

  3. She sounds like a most wonderful cat! I'm so sorry for your losses, this is a lovely tribute.

  4. What a lovely way to rember her by.My heart goes out to you, it one of the hardest things to do is lose a pet

  5. A lovely way to rember a pet, your work is beatiful


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