Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kafir fig. Original coloured pencil drawing by Kraftikats' Shop

Beautiful, sunny, daisy like flowers of the Kafir Fig or Hottentot Fig as it is also known. An original watercolour pencil drawing drawn on grainy Fabriano paper and as this plant grows low and spreads like a carpet it lends itself to this rather stylised image quite well. The artist looks after her horde of animals although sadly, 3 of her 10 indoor cats have left them recently. I suppose they have their own little destinies too but it´s painful nonetheless. The 3 outdoor cats are still doing fine and enjoying the better weather!!


  1. sweet drawing, and I'm so sorry to hear about the kitties who've left this world, thank you for all you do for animals, they are lucky to have you!

  2. What a lovely drawing... the flowers must be so very beautiful in person as well.

    My deepest sympathies in regards to adjusting to animals no longer being there in person. Loss is difficult, darn it !

  3. Thanks both of you for your kind comments, it´s great to have support from a group who are equally `nutty´ about animals!!

  4. Lovely work.
    Sorry to hear of your loss


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