Monday, May 10, 2010

Chauncey the Jellyfish Necklace by Kskjewelrydesigns' Shop

This jellyfish named Chauncey is in the nest of the sea. He was created as a reminder of how fragile our ocean life is, but also as a positive message of its resilience. The jellyfish shows us how to move in harmony with the natural forces of Mother Earth, the nest of all nests. It is said to symbolize faith and acceptance, and some believe that its transparent form holds the key to true spiritual knowledge.
The artist has spent her life rescuing animals, bringing in, caring for & finding homes for strays. Ten percent of all sales from this shop go to Bat Conservation International in hopes of helping their efforts in fighting white-nose syndrome.


  1. What a wonderful piece of art. A big Thank-you to the artist, for all of your hard work!

  2. I had no idea there was so much symbolism...very pretty!

  3. I love learning about animal symbolism... its a fascinating topic for me... THANKS for sharing !

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my Chauncey! This was my first challenge and I think I got confused about the theme, but you so kindly included him. :) I really appreciate it, as well as the lovely comments!

  5. Very cool, I am intorduced to your blog because of this feature, Kim is a good friend of mine and I swung by to support her, however, I will be back to check out future posts as well.

  6. So wonderful! Beautiful symbolism! :) Thank you for helping animals, Michele


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