Sunday, May 16, 2010

White Dove to benefit EFA's Charity of the month - free postage wthin the US by Lolalynn's Shop

The peaceful dove sits patiently on her nest waiting to bring forth new life. Life is like that. Very often newness and new beginnings take a lot of waiting, patience and hope. I think of our 3 new granddaughters who were born in the last 3 months. Waitng during pregnancy. The patience it takes to care for a newborn and the hope that we feel when we encounter these little gifts from God. Our family has been a nest for Christine and Deborah, supporting them as they waited to bring forth these precious little girls.
50% wil be donated to EFA's
charity of the month.

Lynn coordinates EFA's monthly challenge and creates the EFA Challenge Treasuries.


  1. Fabulous entry Lynn... love the blue tones...

  2. This is beautiful - so peaceful! I hope all the granddaughters (and moms and dads and brothers!) are doing well.


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