Saturday, June 12, 2010

Heart Strings - Urban Sea Glass Pendant by Lolalynn's Shop

This pale green heart shaped pendant is made from "Urban Sea Glass". The term was coined by a New York Times Blog reporter when he talked about finding sea glass on the shores of New York City's East River. I had been making jewelry from glass I had picked up from the river and when he googled "East River Sea Glass" he found me. He interviewed me for his article and I got a nice mention in his blog: Sea glass gathered from the East River is not as smooth and as rounded as glass found in other locations. Unlike other beaches where sand is constantly fine tuning the glass, the East River is lined with mostly pebbles and large rocks. A lot of what I pick up I recycle but I do manage to glean some pieces that make beautiful pieces like "Heart Strings." 50% of the purchase price of the items from my shop are donated to EFA's charity of the month.


  1. This is beautiful! I really like how the wire wrap complements the shape of the glass.

  2. How very appropriate! It's so coll how it looks like a heart!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Love how the wire wrap mixes the solid against the translucent stone. Nice work! (Sorry, had bad spelling boo boo in the first comment attempt.)

  5. How beautiful! I love sea glass jewellery ;-)


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