Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Itty Bitty Chestnut Chicken - Hand Knit Organic Cotton Little Red Hen by Yarnmiracle's Shop

Itty Bitty Chestnut Chicken was made with from the Chestnut Fox's leftovers and is stuffed with extra independence for no extra charge. I almost didn't have enough yarn, so she's got a fashionable two-tone tail. Chestnut Fox (and the OutFoxed Pattern) are my COTM representatives for September and Defenders of Wildlife. Since I'm working on a new Chestnut Fox, are more Little Red Hens in the future? Maybe...and maybe it'll be Itty Bitty Foxies this time around. You never can tell with scraps.
Besides COTM, my focus today is on my personal Cat Rescue and Preservation Program. William Henry, our youngest formerly feral kitten, keeps getting himself locked under the kitchen sink with the garbage can. While this is a Dream Come True for William Henry, it is a less than ideal situation for me.


  1. LOL Emily... bet kitty is as cute as a... itty Bitty Chicken !

    Glad you made something extra special with the fox left overs... although I bet fox would have preferred chicken in her tummy instead ?!

  2. This is darling! And I would love to see itty bitty foxes!

  3. LOVE it! So sweet :0) Thank you for also helping the COTM and kitties!

  4. Your hen is Darling! Can't believe you were able to squeeze him out of scraps! Way to go!


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