Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Knit Catnip Mouse is Bright Rosy Pink by VivaLeChat

This mouse fits the theme because I made it using up the last of the pink yarn (that's why it is slightly smaller and has a blunter nose than my normal mouse pattern). Whenever I use up a skein, I allow myself to buy a new skein--so it's time to go shopping!

I donate a third of my profit to imom.org, a charity that fundraises for families that cannot afford needed emergency vet expenses for their companion animals


  1. I love all your little mice - this one is especially cute !

  2. Such a cute little mouse to brighten any kitties day!!
    I especially like the tail!!
    Great charity work!

  3. how sweet, and love the cause :)

  4. Love it! I also love the action photos (very cute cats btw!) and the team color mice--that Packer mouse looks pretty tasty!

  5. Love it!! I can see all the happy kitties out there playing happily!


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