Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mama Polar Bear and Cub ACEO by thebluewindmill

Winter white polar bears share a moment amongst the lights of the aurora borealis in this original ACEO card by thebluewindmill. Mama bear gazes down at her adoring cub. This obviously fits the theme because they are white bears who live in a "winter wonderland" environment.

I volunteer as challenge promoter for team EFA and I regularly participate in EFA's COTM; however, 10% of this particular item will be donated to Defenders of Wildlife!

Defenders of Wildlife states that "polar bears could be extinct by 2050 as their habitat melts away due to global warming." They further stress the importance of ice for these majestic animals, saying that "polar bears are only found in the Arctic region and are highly dependent on the pack ice there since they spend much of their time hundreds of miles from land. The most important habitats for polar bears are the edges of pack ice, where currents and wind interact with the ice, forming a continually melting and refreezing matrix of ice patches. These are the areas of greatest seal abundance and accessibility."


  1. I LOVE this watercolor- the subject, composition and choice of colors are all so very delicious !

    THANKS for supporting DOW... my favorite wildlife charity :)

  2. So sweet, brings a big smile to my spirit. Thank you from me also for supporting DOW.

  3. This is such a sweet gentle depiction...I love the colors and expressions.

  4. It's lovely. Magnificent, yet gentle. Once you see the aurora borealis, you never forget it. Thanks for sharing this endearing moment with everyone.
    From- Ella Quaint.

  5. This has been one of my faves ever since I saw it. It's touching, reflective, meditative and a bit poetical all at once. :)

  6. I love this, too, Polar Bears are one of my favorite animals, and this piece captures their spirit :)


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