Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter Song Painting by KneeDeepOriginals

It's a silvery winter woods scene under close observation by a tufted titmouse as the snow begins to fall in this painting by KneeDeepOriginals. This scene is very much a winter wonderland like we had this year in NC... the first truly White Christmas I'd seen since I was a little girl growing up in Massachusetts!

I have been a member of EFA for a year and a half, having been on Etsy for almost two years. I participate artistically and musically with fundraisers and events for local animal charities, including the Humane Society in two counties and a non-profit rescue organization. Living in a very rural and relatively poor county, I work to educate friends, neighbors, and the community at large about humane animal / pet care, important vaccinations, nutrition, and spay/neutering. It's incredible (and often saddening) what some folks just don't know or think about! My husband and I have three rescue dogs and a rescue kitty.


  1. I LOVE this piece and just included it in my newest EFA Team Treasury, a collection of bird art...

    THANKS for entering it in our Challenge, Rebecca and for all the wonderful work you do for animals- at home and beyond your doors !

  2. I adore this charming little bird. This painting is lovely!

  3. Such a lovely and tranquil painting!!

    Thanks for all the good work you do for the animals and participating in the challenge!

  4. Ooh! I love tufted titmice! Where are you in NC? I'm in Raleigh and I've been loving the snow this year. We're supposed to get more today!

  5. A lovely contrast against the snow...pretty. And yay for your 3 rescues!

  6. Thanks so much, everyone! This is such a great team, and I'm so happy to be a part of it and its efforts. We just had some snow again here in the foothills of NC last night, and we're preparing for much more on Monday and Tuesday. Thank goodness for cozying up by the woodstove with all our fur babies!


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