Thursday, February 10, 2011

Carrott Colored Rabbit Fingerless Cuffs by knitbyvalerie

These cozy fingerless gloves from knitbyvalerie feature a modified version of cable-knit rabbits that were found in a vintage pattern. Rabbits are very near and dear to my heart and February is national adopt-a-rabbit month (as decreed by the House Rabbit Society at February also kicks off the Make Mine Chocolate campaign to keep people from giving live rabbits as gifts for Easter.

I have 6 rescues in my home and I have successfully encouraged friends to adopt from shelters. While I work hard for all homeless animals, my heart belongs to the bunnies!


  1. So pretty! And I agree with you.....bunnies aren't products to be given as a gift, only to be discarded later.

  2. So cute! They would great with a gray jacket!

  3. These are FAB... orange has always been a favorite color of mine !

  4. love everything about these fingerless gloves ... the color and especially the cables! Awesome ... hugs to the bunnies!


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