Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hi from the Animals ACEO Print by SharonFosterArt

Hi from the Animals is an ACEO print by SharonFosterArt that features a few of the wonderful animals that can be companions.

Shelters need all the help that they can receive. I donate newspapers, towels, old blankets and sheets to our local animal rescue. This helps save cash for needed items like food and medicine. And I have a big sack of cat toys to take to Cedarhill Animal Sanctuary (that is, if it will ever stop raining)!


  1. So sweet and full of whimsy! Love it. :o)

  2. So true - all of these make wonderful pets! Very cute!

  3. Love seeing these animals all together and so colourful. Great challenge entry. Also, thanks for sharing a great way to recycle household stuff!

  4. Such a cheerful image - thanks for donating supplies to the shelters - that's great!

  5. Love your work Sharon... always puts a smile on my face ! THANKS so much for helping the animals :)

  6. Y'all are as sweet as these animals!

    Yes, I even bring newspapers from work. They are shredded at the shelter for kitty litter. It's great. Recycle and help kitties.


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