Monday, February 21, 2011

Plush Dachshund by DogBarks

How often as a child I would play with my stuffed animals! They were far more than just toys to me; they were my true friends and companions, just like this dachshund, Rupert Ruff & Raggy, by dogbarks is. My stuffed animals came for rides with me in the car, to the doctor's, the relatives', the playground, and then to bed with me at night. I was sure that they "came alive" while I was asleep and wandered the house getting into all kinds of mischief! I can't imagine a childhood without these wonderful stuffed companions!

My work with animals includes giving both financially and by donating items to my local shelter, as well as donating to Chriss over at the feral kitten rescue in Oregon. I also have several shop items designated for EFA charities, including 10% of this sale.


  1. aw - this pup is super cute!! AND - when he is purchased he will help other animals .... awesome!

  2. LOVE what you do for the animals, Patty !

    Thanks so much for all you do for them and for being such an active part of Team EFA :)

  3. I am such a kid, so I absolutely adore plush animals. Rupert is so beautifully crafted!

  4. Thank you all! Making these stuffed dogs is one of my most favorite things to do because they seem to come alive!


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