Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lovebirds ACEO Card by thebluewindmill

Nothing says "sweet shelter" and "comfort" like a nice, pretty branch to land on (if you happen to be a bird, that is)! And what is more "cozy" than a fellow companion bird (wink, wink)? So, here's to the Sweet Shelter and Cozy Comforts found in this ACEO by thebluewindmill! I volunteer as Challenge Leader and give to the EFA's COTM!


  1. I LOVE this image, Heather... so very beautiful :)

  2. So fine and real! Love this ACEO!

  3. Brilliant colors! And what's a comfy shelter without someone to share it with!

  4. Oh, wow, love this one, reminds me of sweet Lovebird CC, who lived to be 12 years old, grew up w/him!


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