Friday, March 4, 2011

On the Border Cards by terikor

"On the Border" by terikor depicts two Border Collies enjoying the cozy close comfort of one another. In thinking of the March challenge theme of "Sweet Shelter and Cozy Comforts", I had to pick the words "Cozy Comforts" in picking an item from my shop that fits this theme. What is cozier than two canine friends sharing time together?

To me, giving back in any way I can to those animals that play such an important part of my life gives me the greatest pleasure. My art would not thrive without those animals. I am thrilled every time I sell an original piece of art or one of my art products enabling me to give back to animals in need no matter how much it is. Getting the thank you notes from the various charities I donate to means a lot because I know I have helped in a very small way.


  1. Oh, I love this image – wish my dogs got that cuddly/close :)

  2. oh I agree there is no home without them !
    LOVE the image... so sweet :)

  3. oh so cozy!
    Thanks for entering the challenge!

  4. OHHH! Look at them...such good buddies. How sweet!

  5. They are darling and they do look quite content!


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