Friday, May 13, 2011

Bee Mine Necklace by cocoNme

Bees are usually everywhere - especially when I planted an organic container garden on my balcony. This necklace by cocoNme features may of the lovely things found in nature each spring. This piece also helps me spread the word about Colony Collapse Disorder - the mystery of the disappearance of honey bees.

I've been involved in art since childhood and have been making jewelry since 2004. My golden retrievers, who were both shelter dogs, inspired me to combine my jewelry-making with my love for animals. Since 2005, I've donated a percentage of my sales to the ASPCA, HSUS, Habitat for Humanity, SCGR Rescue, GRCGLA Rescue, and the NCCF (for canine cancer - which two of my dogs died of). I've also donated some finished jewelry to several animal rescues for fund-raising auctions.


  1. Bees must have known it was organic - yummy!Great colors!

  2. So lovely and just in time for summer!

    Great works!

    thanks for entering!

  3. Bees ROCK and so does your pretty necklace ! Thanks for sharing it & for all that you do to help the animals :)


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