Monday, May 2, 2011

Dandelion Fluff Print by AlexWijnen

This lovely print by AlexWijnen is a wonderful celebration of nature's little beauties. Considered a weed by just about everyone, I personally love the beauty of dandelions. What starts out as a sturdy, squatty yellow flower transforms into this delicate, ethereal orb of fluff. That said, I do wish there were fewer of them in my garden!

In addition to creating the quarterly magazine for the Oregon Humane Society for the past five years and supporting OHS with personal donations, I also donate a portion of the proceeds from sales of my dog prints in my Etsy shop and at local shows. Our two dogs are rescues from the humane society while our two cats were strays that wandered into our hearts. I love them all dearly and wish I could provide a home to even more pets in need! (alas, I had to promise my husband that we've reached our limit – for now!)


  1. What a beautiful print ! I LOVE dandelions and the leaves are so good for canines to nibble on :)

  2. So lovely and delicate!

    Thanks for entering the challenge!!

    Great works for the animals!

  3. Perfect starter! As far as subject matter goes...I wish I had some dandelions! Or anything flowery!

  4. This brings back childhood memories of the spent dandelions floating through the air. Beautiful!


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