Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Forget-Me-Not by EveryDogsDelight

This beautiful 3"x3" mini-painting by EveryDogsDelight is her first entry in the monthly challenges. The flowers; forget-me-nots are the Alaska State Flower and all animals are wrapped up in the flowers and earth. Watching my little pup, Bear, racing as fast as he could go (3 months old), through a lavender field, which was much taller than him, showed me his fortitude at not giving up. We can't give up till all homeless have an excellent home!

100% of the profit from the sale of this item will go to the Team EFA COTM.


  1. How cute is this!!!

    Thanks so much for entering our challenge competition and donating to the COTM!!

  2. What a darling painting! Nice to see you in the challenges.

  3. This is SO darling!! You are truly amazing - love for your pets and animals in general oozes out everywhere!

  4. OMGosh! I just love this! It's precious! :)

  5. Andrea this is so cute!! How could we ever forget this little guy!! Adorable work!


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