Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spring Shoreline Print by PoSHGallery

My husband and I have a favorite hiking path near our home and this photograph by PoSHGallery is of the trees and mushrooms along the lake in Spring.

I am a photographer (PoSH Gallery) and I also work with Polymer Clay to create Jewelry (Couture Clay). I am a vegetarian, mother to a Beagle and a Shorkie, and try to speak out for animals who aren't able to do so. Between my two shops I currently donate to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, The MSPCA, and The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.


  1. Lovely photo!
    Great works!
    Thanks for entering the competition!

  2. It must wondrous to live my the big waters !
    Thanks for sharing your photograph with us :)

  3. You've captured so much in this picture! I love it.


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We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
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