Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thinking of Your Flower Card by fairycardmaker

These are flowers that never wilt! fairycardmaker handstamped these flowers and cut them out for a simple, elegant card. This time of year is when the Hydrangeas come out. They come in white or pink or blue with purple tints. My favourite ones are the blue ones. I love the blossom cluster that Hydrangeas make.

This card is one of the cards I'm teaching in my workshop for the Southern Ontario Animal Rescue (SOAR). We will be making three dry embossed cards and $5.00 of every person's workshop fee is donated to this local dog rescue. In my Etsy shop, 10% of the proceeds from the sale of this card will also be donated to SOAR.


  1. I love that color as well. And they dry so nicely. Beautiful card!

  2. The embossing is gorgeous and the card beautiful !
    THANKS for sharing it with us :)


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