Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Take Five Reptile Print by terikor

This Monotype was made specifically by terikor for the EFA’s August Challenge, Reptiles. It is my first venture at creating a piece of art showing any kind of reptile. I always love new artistic challenges and experimentation because it shows my growth as an artist. In addition I get to add something new and different, in this case a lizard to my portfolio.

I chose to create the lizard as a Monotype because I feel I am more fluid and loose with this medium and I employ brighter colors. Lizards can be very colorful making the use of this medium ideal for conveying what I wanted to portray.

Take Five portrays a lizard sunning itself on a rock. The background of this Monotype represents the both a sunny day and a rock. Like humans this lizard is taking a respite by lying in the sun; hence the title “Take Five”.

I choose California Wildlife Center as a charity to support because they assist so many different types of local fauna. I figured this rescue was befitting of benefiting from the sale of this particular piece of artwork.


  1. lovely monotype!

    Great colors and I love how the fluid pattern of the background conveys linear tracks like the lil lizard has been scampering all around!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fabulous lizard ! LOVE the color combo- that yellow is just perfect to offset the lizard's green.

  4. I love lizards! I find them fascinating. So colorful, quick and alert. I have one tattoo and it's a lizard! Love the brilliance of this!


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