Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baby Elephant Bookmark by oceloteyes

Cute baby elephants can make anyone smile! This little baby adorning a bookmark by oceloteyes was busy playing in the dust with his friend - when his mother walked a few meters away, and the baby ellie suddenly noticed she wasn't next to him. He ran over to her, trunk trumpeting, tail waving, "Mommy wait for meeee!" He only had to run 10 meters or so but he made such a show of it! :) I have literally thousands of elephant photographs from my trip to Etosha National Park in Namibia last year, but if I had to choose a favorite shot, this is it.

As a member of Team EFA I donate a percentage to the animal charities of the month. I'm also a member of QLD Wildlife Artists Society here in Australia, I exhibit paintings regularly with them to raise awareness of conservation and appreciation of our wonderful wildlife. Recently I participated in Creating For Conservation, an art exhibition in South Australia - I donated one of my paintings, which sold and raised over $300 for Painted Dog Conservation Inc.

My elephant images are very special, though: 10% from sales of elephant images (or $1 from my bookmarks featuring elephants) goes to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. They are an amazing, dedicated organization of people that rescue baby elephants and rhinos who are orphaned - usually through human/elephant conflict or poaching. They then hand-raise them and return them to the wild, where previous orphans who have been rehabilitated teach the young ones how to be wild elephants!

My images of elephants are all happy wild elephants with families, living free in a protected area in Namibia - so I use my images to help elephants who have lost their families, and found a human family to take care of them. My family's foster elephants at the DSWT are baby Sities, Suguta, and Sabachi.


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