Monday, January 17, 2011

Puppies in the Snow Cards by scrappyrat

Wolf pups...snow...what could be more wintery and wonderful than this card set by scrappyrat?

I was inspired to make this card by a humane issue that's been on my mind a lot lately: the aerial gunning of wolves. In the state of Alaska, it is currently legal to harass wolves with small aircraft, flying low to the ground, terrifying and tiring the animal to the point of exhaustion before shooting the wolf from the plane while still in the air (often resulting in wounded animals escaping to sustain a long, painful death) or landing and shooting him or her at point blank range. Nationally, this inhumane pastime was outlawed by the federal government in 1972, but the Alaskan government continues to sidestep the law to keep killing canines in this fashion.

If you are as uncomfortable with this practice as I am, please visit the Defenders of Wildlife website ( and send a quick letter to the governor of Alaska, asking him to adjust state law to coincide with the current Federal law and end this brutality against animals.

On a personal note, I am a foster for small animals for Carolina Pet Rescue and advocate for animals any way I possibly can. I am a constant pest to my legislators, I'm sure, with all the letters I write in support of animal protective legislation. I am limited somewhat by my handicap (a genetic spine disease that causes constant debilitating pain) but I do my best to continue the activism I've participated in my whole adult life.

I am frequently asked to make cards and gift baskets for animal charities to sell or auction off as a fund raiser and I am always happy to do so. I also have items in my shop that are listed as "charity items". The entire purchase price of these items goes to the Etsy for Animals charity of the month or to another animal charity indicated in the item's description.

I have begun to try to educate shoppers a bit by including descriptions of the issues and ideas that inspire my card designs in my listings. People may or may not agree with my point of view, but I don't like the idea of anyone condoning the horrors of animal abuse out of ignorance.


  1. Well said, Veronica !
    THANKS for all your efforts on behalf of the animals :)

  2. Wonderful card!!
    So great of you to bring this to everyone's attention!

  3. Thank-you for all you do for the animals. Your story is heartwarming.

    The pups are adorable too!

  4. What a beautiful card for a sad sad cause. I can't even think about such cruelty. All your generous giving is such a blessing to so many.

  5. This card is beautiful. I feel sick about the wolves. Why can't people leave them alone?


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