Saturday, January 15, 2011

EFA Monthly Challenge COMPETiTiON: win free advertising !

Announcing a new exciting upgrade

to EFA's Challenge Program:

a Monthly Challenge Competition...

Win free advertising on EFA's website or blog !

As of this month, January 2011, the -first- sixteen Monthly Challenge entries received will automatically be entered into EFA's Monthly Challenge Competition !

Once these 16 entries have posted on the Challenge blog and an Etsy Treasury has been created... a Voter will be placed on the Challenge blog for a period of 7 days (or thru the last day of that month if time period is shorter) where one vote per blog visitor will be accepted and the entry with the most votes will WiN ! woohoo...

This is a new & exciting incentive to participate in EFA's Monthly Challenge as the winner will receive a free one-month advertising slot (etsy mini 1x1) on either EFA's website or Challenge Blog the following month ! Winner gets to pick location... either on EFA's Sponsor page or in the left hand column of the Challenge Blog :)

Please note: EFA's Monthly Challenge Competition will only take place if 16 entries are received ! Should we receive an additional 16 entries after that, EFA's Challenge Team will gladly consider running a second competition simultaneously.

So... what are you waiting for ?! lol

At the time of posting this announcement,

there are still a few open slots left in January's

WiNTER WONDERLAND Monthly Challenge

... and ...

we are happy to accept any/all future

Challenge entries ahead of time !

Zip Hop Fly Swim Slither

Run Walk or Crawl on down

to get your Challenge entries in !

1 comment:

Please leave a positive comment :)
We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
THANKS for visiting !