Saturday, January 15, 2011

EFA 2011: Monthly Challenge Program

revised 1/14/11

Entering the monthly Etsy for Animals Challenge is a fun way to participate in the EFA street team !

Every month there is an opportunity for EFA's members to submit one of their product listings to be featured on the Challenge Blog. Each month has a specific theme which the listing must reflect in some way.

For information on HOW TO ENTER the Monthly Challenge (link) and for our Themes-at-a-glance Challenge list (link).

EFA has a blog that is solely dedicated to our Monthly Challenges. Our Challenge Blog provides the perfect venue and setting to display our monthly entries... not only does it make for a festive display of goods but it's also a wonderful marketing opportunity for EFA's artists & suppliers to introduce themselves and talk about how they help animals!

Our Challenge Program starts at the beginning of each month on the blog, entries that have been accepted into the Monthly Challenge will be displayed approximately one each day until all the Challenge entries have been posted. For every sixteen entries received, an Etsy Treasury will be created. These are made on a first come basis.

Members are encouraged to come visit and leave a comment... our participants love to hear the good things members have to say about their work !!!


As of January 2011, the -first- sixteen Challenge entries received will automatically be entered into EFA's new Monthly Challenge Competition.

Once these 16 entries have posted on the Challenge blog and a Treasury has been created... a Voter will be placed on the Challenge blog for a period of 7 days (or thru the last day of that month if time period is shorter) where one vote per blog visitor will be accepted and the entry with the most votes will WiN ! woohoo...

This is a new & exciting incentive to participate in EFA's Monthly Challenge as the winner will receive a free one-month advertising slot (etsy mini 1x1) on either EFA's website or Challenge Blog the following month ! Winner gets to pick location... either on EFA's Sponsor page or in the left hand column of the Challenge Blog :)

Please note: EFA's Monthly Challenge Competition will only take place if 16 entries are received ! Should we receive an additional 16 entries after that, EFA's Challenge Team will gladly consider running a second competition simultaneously.


A big Thank you to our Challenge Team of volunteers: Heather of thebluewindmill for promoting the entries on Yahoo Groups & on Etsy and to Jess of jessicalynneart for promoting them on Blogger for us.

Comments ? Suggestions ? Please feel free to contact Nicole of brizel4TheAnimals who serves as EFA's Secretary & Blog Mistress !

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We shall publish it as soon as it is approved...
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