Monday, April 11, 2011

Cool Water Fabric Destash from brizel4TheAnimals

LinkRain Rain Rain... where does all that rain water go ? Hopefully back into the earth & into a nice reservoir :)

Wild animals sure do depend on clean sources of water to drink from or live in so lets help to safeguard our waters !

Here's an awesome water theme
novelty fabric featuring cool clear water in multi-tones of blue- from cobalt to aquamarine. It's just a little piece of destash fabric from the private stash of brizel4TheAnimals, but it could make something very unique & special !


I own some 20 acres up in the mountains where I have planted orchards and floral gardens. Personal funds are put towards helping to sustain this habitat which attracts birds, butterflies, bees, bats, hummingbirds... and it is also a seasonal mating ground for dragonflies ! Twilight is part of a 2,000 acre ranch out in the chaparral wilderness where wild animals still roam.

I provide a home for my animal rescues, create habitat for wildlife to prosper, support animal welfare through petition & animal advocacy work, donate 10% of my Silk Tapestry Box sales to EFA's Charity of the Month, and promote & support Team EFA members through Etsy Treasuries & the EFA blog. I am also Team Leader, Membership Leader, & Blog Mistress for Team EFA !


  1. So lovely! I could dive right in!

    Thanks for helping the animals and all the different "hats" you wear for EFA!!!
    Surely this month you can add one more to your list: rain hat!!
    It's pouring here today!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my entry !

  3. Such pretty fabric! And perfect for the theme.

  4. cool fabric! You could make a dress out of it and be a waternymph for a day. ;)

  5. Nicole, that fabric is amazing - so beautiful!


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