Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Raining Cats and Dogs Print by thoseparasoldays

This beautiful print was made especially for this challenge by thoseparasoldays! It features rain, umbrellas, a cat, and a dog. The dog is my neighbor's dog, who was recently hit by a car, but got away with only one claw missing!

I take care of the street-cats in Costa Blanca, Spain.


  1. What a great print! Perfect for this challenge! (Sorry to hear of your neighbor's dog ... glad he is OK!)

  2. I LOVE the way you create art for EFA's Mo. Challenge- this piece is so magical !

  3. How pretty. I love the colors and your dog and cat. So happy the dog escaped without harm!

  4. This print is enchanting - I just love it! Lucky dog - glad he's ok!


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