Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Whisker To Whisker Dog and Cat Note Cards by terikor

Dogs and cats play such an important part of our lives. They’re always there for us rain or shine giving us the unconditional love we so desire.

Choosing “Whisker to Whisker Note Cards” from terikor to exemplify Etsy for Animals’ April Challenge, “Raining Cats and Dogs” was an easy choice. “Whisker to Whisker” features a dog and cat cuddling up together in a loving relationship. When it is raining, our dogs and cats cuddle up to keep warm and stay out of the rain. I can just envision cats and dogs on a rainy day circling up together, keeping warm by the hearth of your family’s fireplace during a rainstorm.

The original drawing of “Whisker to Whisker” came about when an invitation was needed to an animal charity function I was participating in. The event was Volunteers of America’s Senior Companion program, which helped provide pet food for needy seniors’ pets. I created “Whisker to Whisker” as the design for the invitation. The original drawing was purchased several years later as a gift for a Veterinarian’s office in Maryland with the proceeds benefiting one of the charities I donate too regularly.

In the case of “Whisker to Whisker” it has turned out to benefit many different animal charities. Currently a percentage of the sale of this set of note cards will benefit Search Dog Foundation. This national organization benefits both dogs and humans. The Search Dog Foundation rescues dogs from shelters and trains them to become search and rescue dogs. Ultimately they partner the dogs with firefighters and other first responders to assist finding humans buried alive in the wreckage of disasters. Currently there are 74 Search Dog Foundation teams located in California, Florida, Nebraska, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah. The value of these search and rescue dogs is quite evident as we recently saw in Japan.

This organization is dear to my heart because of the invaluable work they do to help both animals and humans.


  1. So heartwarming!!

    Great work for all the animals!!

  2. I really enjoyed reading about your Challenge entry- thanks so much for sharing about it !

  3. Love this drawing! The loose style really adds to the emotion of the image :)

  4. Precious....and for such a great cause. Very encouraging to read of others' work with animals and shelters!

  5. So true, they are with us rain or shine! Beautiful work!


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