Monday, April 4, 2011

Fishing in Oregon Print by AlexWijnen

Having lived in Oregon for the past 15 years, AlexWijnen is used to living with rainy weather and that's what inspired this illustration: it seems like there are times you simply cannot escape the rain, no matter where you go or what you do!

That's when I'm happy to simply snuggle with Tucker on the couch! Tucker is a Golden Retriever rescue from the Oregon Humane Society, which is one of my clients off Etsy (I design their quarterly magazine) as well as the non-profit cause that receives 20% off the sales of my dog illustrations. His big brother Pogo came from the Florence Humane Society and isn't as big a cuddle bums but our two cats (both strays that we took in) more than make up for that!


  1. I LOVE the way you made the waves & currents into spirals ! I also love the 'message' of the image... do what you want to do... no matter what !

  2. This is so beautiful, Alex! I love your work!

  3. I LOVE rain. :o) Wonderful artwork!

  4. Love the swirling green of the water here. Almost hypnotic!


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