Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pink Cat in the Rain Wall Hanging by catcalls

This pink kitty by catcalls is stuck out in the rain and is pleading for shelter. It has taken on a very fresh meaning with the recent earthquake in Japan. So many kitties have found themselves thrown out into the cold searching for food, warmth, and shelter.

This original acrylic painting is done on a pine heart and coated with two layers of sealant. $2.00 of this sale will go to the this month's charity.

I have several items marked for the EFA charity of the month in my shop and hope this will be the month they sell!

I donate items often to shelters, including my own Rescue Village. I also adopted another guinea pig from them on March 15th, Adopt the Internet Day, and now have four! The Feral Kitten Rescue in Oregon, run by Chriss Pagani, is near and dear to my heart. I donate what I can to help.


  1. This is perfect Patty!!
    Poor kitty, hope someone takes it home soon!!

    Thanks so much!

  2. Poor little Kitty :( but a purrfect entry for this month's challenge !

  3. Aw .... the poor cute kitty! What an important message - Provide shelter for our animal friends! Great item!


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